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Available as a Bespoke CPD Training Session.

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Facing Defiance - A six week course

Aims to reestablish positive interactions and increased compliance.

72 British pounds
online session

Service Description

Who is the course for? Any parents/carers that would like to learn some new strategies in dealing with challenging or defiant behaviour in their children. If you are feeling that things are getting a bit out of control, you are getting angry and frustrated, and you would like to avoid shouting and smacking, this course is for you. What does the course aim to do? The course is focussed on a gradual introduction of strategies based on increasing quality time and positive interactions, developing an effective incentive scheme and applying discipline calmly and consistently. The result will be, hopefully (there are no absolute guarantees!), a reduction in defiance and an increase in compliance, resulting in a more harmonious and manageable home life. There will be some ups and downs and it does rely on parents seeing it through with the interventions. What age children? The course is aimed at parents of children between 5 and 12 years old. We run a separate programme for teens called face2face which you can find in the main menu on the website. What about ADHD children? This course is particularly useful with ADHD children. The incentive element in this course directly supports the low motivation aspect of ADHD and other neurodiverse conditions. What do I have to do? The Facing Defiance course consists of six Teach sessions (one hour long and delivered over zoom) delivered over six consecutive Sundays. These sessions will be recorded so that if you cannot attend, you will be able to access the recording for the next 24 hours so you can see what you missed. Each week you attend the Teach session and the upcoming week's strategy is explained to you. During the following week you apply the interventions discussed. In the next Teach session we review how it went and the next step is introduced. This process is repeated over the six weeks. The power of this course is in the application of the interventions, change can only occur if you do something different. How much is it? It is £72 for the whole course and you can have up to two parents attend. The price has been kept particularly low to make the course as accessible as possible for parents. When is it happening? The next run is due to start on the 2nd February 2025.

Upcoming Sessions

Contact Details

07921 512759

652 Ringwood Road, Poole, UK

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