Frequently Asked Questions
What’s the difference between the Teach session and the Workshop?
The Teach session introduces you to the topic and covers the main issues. It is a live interactive session and attendees can chat and interact with the facilitator if they wish to. However, it is not compulsory to interact. Attendees may have their cameras on or off and they are under no obligation to speak if they don’t want to. It is possible to join the session and just listen, if that is what you are comfortable with.
The Workshop is also a live interactive session but anyone attending is expected to have their cameras on and be willing to take part in group and/or paired exercises with other attendees, as well as take part in group discussions.
Can I join a Workshop without doing the Teach session first?
No. It is important to attend the Teach session first, so that you have an understanding of the topic before you attend the Workshop. The Workshop is an opportunity to review, expand and embed your knowledge of the topic.
It is also a great way of sharing experiences and opinions with other parents. Anyone attending a Workshop will be expected to have their cameras on and be willing to interact with other parents.
How do I join on ZOOM?
You can download the ZOOM app and join the session by putting in the meeting id you were sent or join directly from the link given in the email or invitation you received.
If you have any difficulties please email info@facefamilyadvice.co.uk for support.
Each session has a unique 9, 10, or 11-digit number called a meeting ID that will be required to join a Zoom session.
You will be directed into a waiting room and the facilitator will admit you into the session up to ten minutes before the start time.
Once in the session ensure that your video is on so that others can see you (or keep it off if you do not want to be seen).
If you want to be heard, you need to put your microphone on (mic on). Please join with mic off until directed otherwise so that there is no background noise.
Please read the FACE Online Participation Policy prior to the session to make yourself familiar with the expected behaviour in both the Teach and Workshop sessions.
Are the courses refundable if I change my mind after booking?
Please check our Policies and Terms and Conditions pages. Full refunds are available if you cancel your place 14 days before the start date. There are limited places on all the sessions, so FACE does need some time to be able to rebook your place.
If you book and pay but do not attend your session, you will not be refunded, as your booking occupied a place that could have gone to someone else.